More comments are here.
Well after a fine start on Sunday it was a shame to see the Eagles go down yet again, particularly against Norths.
As everyone else has added their two cents worth as to who is playing and who shouldn't be here's what I think.
Why can't we play Cliffy at five-eighth, Tooves at half and put Field in the Centres, with Hoppa as a reserve that could play in the forwards or in the backs as required. With that situation we could have two full time forwards, Hoppa as forward or back, and a back on the reserve bench. This would give us a bit more firepower up front for the whole game, and leave us with an inventive back line. This way we could have all our play makers on the field, and use Hoppa's temper to some good against the big men.
As to recruiting for next year, maybe the purchase of a big forward would be in order. For instance it's a shame that we didn't pick up big Mark Tookey who went to Parra from the Crushers this year, he would have been a brilliant man to come off the bench that had some real first grade match experience, and was cheap to buy compared to some of the other players offered around last year.
Anyway, whatever happens, I'll catch the mighty Eagles when they are up North again at the Gold Coast, and look forward to the big Grand Final rematch this weekend.
As a new user of the Internet now based in Saigon, Vietnam and big Manly fan I've just searched the internet and found this treasure trove of information. I've been a fan of Manly since 1965 after being born in Manly Hospital and really miss not being able to see any of the games in Vietnam. This year there is zero coverage of rubgy league on Australia TV - last year at least we got the ARL and managed to get the Grand Final (a game best forgotten).
I've managed to see 1 game on tape (the loss against Brisbane) and managed to catch the results. What is happening this year? I thought we had turned the corner, but the loss to Norths is disappointing.
Anyway best wishes to all Manly fans and Bozo and the boys.
Malcolm Johnston
Saigon, Vietnam
I feel that SIR CLIFFY LYONS should have a Grand Stand named after him. The man is a legend. If we are to do well this year we got to get some hard hitting forwards such as someone playing like M Carrol or Cement Gilespie the youg guys are doing well but I feel the they not experiance in the big games. And we will kicks Newcastles ASS this weekend after that bullshit win they had in the Grand Final. Every Time someone mentions the word 8 I Think of 8 Seconds we had to possibly win in extra time. Go the EAGLES AND HAMMER THEM.
Cliff Lyons should not be on the bench put him back on the field
No wonder other clubs complain about Manly, give us a break 'Cranky'. Just pay up the fine, no doubt Bozo deserved it. If Harrigan, got of lightly, so what, maybe next time (if it does happen) he will get his share. Just let's get on with the footy & stop the whinging. If Bozo shuts his mouth he'll save the club a bit of money. Just encourage him to use the offical channel for ref complaints.
I am proud to be a Manly supporter, this year wev'e got away to a poor start ,it is clearly obvious that we lack the authority and power up front , the opposing teams aren't showing us any respect. I believe that we sadly lack a consistent goalkicker ,wev'e let so many talented juniors go over the last couple of years in particularly Ivan Cleary and most recently Shanon Nevin Balmain have benefited greatly from his presence, its time Craig Field started earning his pay and stop being a prima donna he is a fine player however he is yet to produce. Geoff Toovey your just an inspiration a great player, team captain and Bill Harrigans an arsehole ive known him since I was 15 he hasn't changed. stand up to the little bastard he's unsporting and most importantly unaustralian, Bozos a legend one of the greatest players and coaches of all time keep up the good work. The rest of the team please keep up the hard work your a champion team without question , you should have had 3 from 3 but it wasn't meant to be give the bookies a false sense of security comeback and take this years flag your the best team by far.
Up the ROOSTERS,Your useless coach couldn't coach a whore in a whorehouse. How dare he make that loser has-been Daley captain. Brad Fittler should be Captain. Well I hope that all you Manly faggot fans are happy with your wimpy, back stabbing coach, who now seem's happy with kissing superleagues ass.
Go the Eagles,
What an exciting half of fotball Sunday's game v the Bunnies was! The first half, well we can probably forget that disjointed 40 minutes of footy for a while but the second half had me glued to the telly.
What a difference Cliffy made, what a pity we can't wind back the years a bit but maybe he'll just go on forever.
Beaver had a great game and particularly after Friday nights really hard game against the Kiwi's I think he deserves 10 out of 10 for the effort! The more I see of Albert Torrens the more I like and Hunter trys very hard on the other wing.
Does anyone know how long Terry will be out for they don't seem to be saying much in the news and I think we will really miss him out in the centres.
Anyway it's over to North Sydney Oval for the wounded bears next weekend, boy will be hard after this weekends flogging by the Bronco's. Looking forward to a response from my question about Terry Hill??
Mark from Moree
I'm an Englishman based in Manly and have started going to all the games and here are a few queries/observations.We( I now say we ) need far more supporters to get off their backsides and go to the game.The whole of the Northern beaches population is there to be enticed,but that I feel is the problem,enticed.We don't appear to have a marketing team who can do anything but put an add in the Manly Daily now and again.Why can't we take a leaf out of the Rugby Union team and on the days leading up to a home game go out to the suburbs and publicise in the shopping malls,bars etc the game coming up.Offer special deals say to big pubs / Rsl's such as the Diggers,Newport Arms,Narrabeen Sands of pick up and drop off free with an hour spent in the Leagues club if required.Today at home to Souths there was just over 10,000 but quite a few of them were Souths fans.It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon here,nothing else on,the suf world cup fininshed and Souths a local rival.I'd also like to hear anyones feelings re the Merchandising dept.What a joke.I've been trying to get an XL jersey and players polo top without any success at all.I mean the 2 tops most people want to buy you cannot get.Anyway enough of my ramblings.When their is a big crowd on a Friday night there is no better sporting event in Australia than on the hill opposite the players tunnel at 'Brookie.'Lets clean up the external running of the club and let the boys take care of the rest.
Great game down at Brookie today against Souths. Sunshine, big crowd & another win, though after the first half when Manly was down by 0-10 it wasn't looking good. The best part of the game for me was THAT TRY by Steve Menzies & Manly's effort in the second half. The first half is best forgotten, with Souths outplaying Manly, though the Rabbitos are a lot tougher opposition this year with their swag of new players. Well done Eagles.
It is my belief that Manly's current run of good form is due to the fact that Bozo had it pointed out to him that the sliding defense (which Manly were the masters of since the 10m rule)no longer works. Under the new rule where the defending team can move once the ball is placed on the ground teams can get up quicker around the play the ball area cutting off the ball. Don't get me wrong though teams are still required to slide but it is not as an effective defence as the" up and in" is these days. I believe they tried this defence against Canberra and hence Bozo said he "could see the light at the end of the tunnel". Looking forward to a couple of games Brisbane v Newcastle at Newcastle and Manly v Knights at Brookie.
See you there
Paul Ross
I currently live in WA where we are just lucky enough to have a replay of friday night football and the sunday game played in the wee hours of the following morning. Thank god for VCR's and the fact that channel 9 has showed a lot of Manly games. There are a lot of Manly supporters over here who would love to be able to go to Brookie once every two weeks to see a live game. Win, lose or draw it doesn't really matter as long as we get to see some good football. Don't count the boys out, because as the game against Brisbane showed we are in for the long haul. C'mon Eagles.....
Any comments can be e-mailed to
Sean, Perth WA
Best wishes to the Sea Eagles who will be representing Australia on Friday night - we know you will do our country proud!
Secondly, a message for Gareth who supports the Wigan Warriors...
Regarding Danny Moore - you are very welcome to have his services - we are doing very nicely with Craig Hancock, Andrew Hunter and Albert Torrens, thank you.
Go the Eagles!
Hi Guys
I would just like to thank you on behalf of all Wigan Warriors fans for giving us Danny Moore. He has been a tremendous asset in all the games I have seen this year and sure he must be greatly missed at Manly. I don't suppose there is any chance of you getting rid of Menzies next year?
I am a very new user of "The Net" but a very old supporter of the mighty Sea Eagles having followed them since I saw them beat Penrith 78 to 3 ( I Think) in about 1973 -74. Have been to all their grand final wins (and losses) since then.
I come from the bush (Moree) so do not get to the games at Brookie to often but when I do I really enjoy the game.
I for one have not been writing them off over the last few weeks, whilst dissapointed at the loss to Canberra I saw enough in the game to know "we are back for 1998" and then against Brisbane, well I almost cried!!
So go get Souths this weekend guys and Terry if you can play like that once, play like that every wekened and mate we just about beat anyone!!
Great to catch up on a Manly supporters page I just wish (with no disrespect to the author of this one) that we had an official page, what a blast that would be.
By the way I have booked my Grand Final ticket again and I just think it will be Manly v .......The Knights and we will win this time.
All you Eagles supporters can E Mail me at
Mark from Moree
Dear Geoff,
I have been a Manly fan since Manly won the premiership in 1987 - what a win !!!!! But ever since you have joined the team Manly has been an inspiration to the fans as you have the hottest little butt I have ever seen (other than my husband).
Good job beating the Bronco's on Friday Night at Brookie. See you at the Grand Final in September 1998.
Love Your Best Fan
I've just gone and read through the first couple of pages on this page and can't believe how many Manly supports aren't doing just that.(supporting) C'mon guys you've seen what we can do on Friday night against Brisbane, and if we get in there and keep on supporting, Manly might fight back and go all the way this year.
Congrats to the Sea Eagles on their fantastic win against Brisbane. They finally showed their true form and the fans who made it to Brookvale on Friday night were well rewarded for their loyalty. Field was able to show his class thanks to the 'go forward' efforts of Tierney and Co. Menzies and Gartner were back to their best, Kosef weaved his magic, Toovey led by example as usual, Hill completely out-shone Renouf, Hancock was safe at fullback, and Hunter and Torrens (who is as safe as a bank under the high ball) played well. Manly played as a team and their defence was more like that of the 1995-1997 teams. The only downside is that, like Simone, I still think we have a goal kicking problem...
Anyway, it's also good to see the likes of Toovey, Hill, Menzies and Kosef being rewarded for their continued good form by their inclusion in the Australian team.
Go the Eagles!
Sue :-)
PS To the Sea Eagles fan from Boston: the Manly vs Brisbane game is really worth seeing - do you have a PAL playing VCR?
If any of you Manly players are out there reading this message, I would like to draw to your attention that Manly hasn't scored a point in the 2nd half of a football game against: Newcastle last year, Brisbane this year, Parramatta this year, Canberra this year, and have only scored 6 points in the second half against Balmain and Brisbane this year. If you are reading this I would greatly encourage you all to work on your fitness, so that Manly can remain the best team in the NRL.
Rich Chambers
Great to be proved wrong. Congratulations Manly on a fantastic win, and against the competition front-runners. Shades of the old Manly in the first half against Canberra, but this week the defence was as good as the attack. Hill and Hunter were spectacular - what a great young player is Andrew Hunter on the wing - strength & speed. Even Field had a good game. Looking forward to Phillips coming back for the goal-kicking however. Amazing what a difference a good ref makes also. Keep it up boys. After Souths there are some big games - Norths, Newcastle, Sydney City, Cronulla, Canterbury & a rematch with Canberra. Well Woody, you got your wish of a good game before going o/s. You might want to get the games taped while you're away, however. Also still bring back Spud if you get the chance! Lastly, about the Anzac Day test. Still liked the ARL policy of having Origin games first, then picking an Australian side. Just my opinion, however.
Even though i am not a Manly supporter, congratulations to them on their win on Friday night they out played Bribane all over the park. I hate Brisbane more than any other team in the league, because if you read Arkko's book (great read) they were the brain child of Super League or Brisbane League!!
Go Norths!!!
Here I am once again, the Sea Eagle's fan from Boston. I have not had the chance to see the fellas play this year, but it doesn't lessen my interest. I can't really say what Manly's problem is because I haven't seen them, but I know they'll be back. Any team that has the players of the calibre they do will find form eventually. If they don't make the finals though this year, I won't be dissapointed. After following Manly for about 15 years, I have seen them in similar positions before. I have also seen them on top and I have cherished those moments. I can't really ask much more from the team, but one things for sure; I will always be a Sea Eagle through thick and thin, no matter where I am. So to any fans out there who continuously throw insults at the likes of Tooves and Beaver, your not a Manly fan. Go support the Bronco's or something.
Well guy's enough is enough..I'm out of here.I'm off to London for 5 weeks Thursday week.I can't take to much more of this.
Firstly Simone, Please don't start mentioning the wooden spoon as you are starting to make me feel a bit nervous there but I do agree about the 18 point lead.To lose from there was just ridiculous.But remember that as bad as we have gone this year we are still only 1 win away from 10th spot.So hopefully when I return we will be well & truly placed in the top 10.That is why I will be there Friday night as I want to see us win one game before I go.
Also I now have to agree with Peter from Adelaide.With Napper there at five eight we seem to sparkle in attack better.We actually look like scoring tries.So he has to start & I would even go as far as saying that he has to be there for the full 80 minutes.
While I'm in London I might see if can offer my services in helping Spud in moving his stuff back over here.I'll hold him at gun point if I have to.That way he will have to board the plane
needing a win
I think most of us who submit our concerns to this page agree on one thing....
We do not wan't to see a team that has gone from "the best in the world" to one that is in danger of not making the top 10.....
C'mon guys get behind the team and fork out 10 bucks at brookie this Friday night......
P.S. For those unaware, and please let me know if I am incorrect...I think it was Matt Guberina who received man-of-the-match award on Sunday in Warringahs' win against Gordon at Rat Park......
In response to Ben;
I'm not sure if you are referring to me as one of the so-called experts leaving uneducated views on Bryan's Manly page. If you are, I suppose I'm just someone who likes to express my opinions, & Bryan has given us this space to do this in relation to our team.
Regardless of how well Manly played against Canberra in the first half, the fact is that they squandered an 18-point lead to let Canberra win. I know it's easy to be a critic when you're watching from the sidelines but I do feel that a big part of Manly's problem this year is the so-called "garage sale" of players I wrote about before. What's happened to their defence this year? And can they justify staying in the comp when the 14 teams are announced next year?
Most of the people who send in comments on Bryan's Manly page are long-term Manly supporters, including myself. We all support our team, and should be able to comment freely when things aren't going too well. None of us wants to see Manly go from being in 3 consecutive grand finals to being wooden spooners in 98.
Well, another heartbreaking loss on Sunday but some positives did come out if it.
Firstly, Cliff Lyons. Now am I alone in saying that Manly look better with him on the park? I think not and Bozo finally showed good judgement there in demoting Craig Field to the Bench. Secondly, Luke Phillips. For a guy who is playing in the unfamiliar position of fullback he seems to be doing a great ]job back there. His general play is good knowing when to join in the attack, his positional play is good and his defense has been outstanding this year. Put that with his goalkicking (69%) and he has been a great buy. Pitty we aren't winning though.
As for those giving the club curry about the youngsters. Give them a chance. Peters, Costelloe, Taylor and Underwood are only novices when it comes to first grade and in time, will develop into good players.
Now, here is a point for those who say Manly buy premierships. How is this for a team of ex-Manly players still play ing League (here and in the UK) :-
Matthew Ridge, Danny Moore, Ivan Cleary, Shannon Nevin, Jack Elsegood, Gene Ngamu, Shayne Dunley, Ian Roberts, Adam Nable, Mark Carroll, Tony Iro, Awen Guttenbeil, Owen Cunningham.
Not a bad team there and they say WE buy premierships at the expense of others!! Our team has (of the current first graders) Hancock, Torrens, Hopoate, Toovey, Taylor, Gartner, Menzies, Costelloe, Underwood, Fulton and Hunter as local juniors. That's 11 locals people.
Anyway, lets hope that we can start winning soon (this week against Brisbane would be a good place to start) and climb that ladder into the top ten. Lets not prove Ray Price right by not making the finals (he was the only RLW expert who did not have us in the top ten)
Peter Hunter
Firstly I would just like to bag a couple of the so-called experts leaving their un-educated views on our precious Home Page.
I find it difficult to accept that these people are genuinely disgruntled with the Manly Administration for giving us the current Manly squad, which carries a number of champion footballers we should feel privileged to sit & watch on the hill @ Brookie Oval every second week.
Being able to follow Manly for as long as I can remember (I was born into the area almost 30 years ago) I've been lucky enough to see them win 6 premierships, make 10 grand finals, win club championships, sevens tournaments, mid-week competitions & produce numerous internationals.
Yet certain people think Bob Fulton, Frank Stanton & Co are no longer fit to carry on their positions. Manly fans have been known to expect alot out the Sea-Eagles over the years, but fair bloody go.
Congratulations to the boys for bouncing back with a courageous performance @ Bruce Stadium yesterday. To simply watch the four tries Manly put on was an absolute joy & if they continue to produce more spectacular Rugby League in the same manner we cannot ask for much more. Then the sportsmanship shown at the end of such a demoralizing loss (especially by G Toovey, AGAIN!!!) was a credit to the team.
So please instead of creating disharmony, leave the selections & the opinions to the experts and start making a difference where you can & where its desperately needed by putting your bums on seats.
More comments are here.